Wow, what a week it’s been!

Monday: The week kicked off with a thrilling meeting with the educational psychologist for my youngest, who has ADHD. We’re on the quest for an EHCP to secure that golden ticket—extra school support.

Following that, the school wanted to talk to me about my 7-year-old potentially being dyslexic (which we’ve suspected for years). Yay, more paperwork!

Tuesday: Round two with CAMHS for my second child. After a 90-minute chat, we got the ADHD and ASD confirmations, but now we have to wait 52 weeks +/- to get an official diagnosis and plan. Years of masking have finally been unmasked. Now, in Year 7, they’re struggling and on the verge of becoming a “school refuser.”

Meanwhile, my eldest is navigating the wild world of tween friendships. Ah, the drama of “girls being girls”!

Wednesday: I had a treatment that left me wiped out for the rest of the week. Thursday was a duvet day—just sleeping and feeling like a slug. No energy to parent.

But today, 48 hours post-infusion, I’m up and about, ready to greet my kids with big hugs. No demands about the dishes, no nagging about their rooms—just pure, unconditional love and maybe a bit of bribery for good behavior.

Here’s hoping that by dinner, I’ll be well enough for a glass of red wine instead of a cocktail of ibuprofen and paracetamol. Cheers to an easier week ahead!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Love, Odette